Energy Acupuncture
$49 Affordable & accessible traditional acupuncture for anyone & everyone! Performed in a private setting with aroma therapy, music, & meditation in a dimly lit room. Treatments can be used weekly, lowering stress & improving sleep. Acupuncture reduces cortisol & assists the body with healing. Small needles are placed painlessly at points on hands, feet & head. There is no disrobing. Stay up to an hour & add a body session upgrade for just $20: Fire cupping, hot clay, infrared sauna, etc. Buy 6 for just $245 *Community Style Packages can be shared amongst your small group, further lowering costs. Requires 2-3 people. |
Trigger Acupuncture
$79 These are private diagnostic sessions targeting trigger points for specific problem areas in the body. Trigger points are irritable knots that form in tissues. Postural assessments, range of motion tests & trigger point patterns will indicate which muscles & myofascial planes will be addressed. Needles will be placed both at the site of discomfort but also importantly at distal points. All private sessions include relaxing traditional Chinese acupuncture as well as any added therapies, including the infrared sauna. Package of 6 is $395 & includes sauna! |
Wellness Membership $89 monthly
This is an annual wellness membership billed monthly and includes all therapies & modalities. You get the benefits of relaxing traditional Chinese acupuncture as well as the private attention of a diagnostic session, with NO upgrade charges for the infrared sauna, clay packs, e-stim, biofeedback, ultrasound, nutritional guidance, cold laser & so on. It includes 2 individualized sessions each month for less than you would pay for a single session. Additional sessions can be purchased for the low price of $49 each! This is our most inclusive offering. |